Todd Jones served up a giant shit sandwich tonight. Another kick in the nuts to Tiger fans everywhere. If
It's a little over an hour later. I may have been a bit quick on demanding a trade that might not even fix the problem. I do stand by my sentiments on Jones. I've defended him in the past, and defending him just rewards you with looking like a jackass in the future. Well, no more Todd. Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out. Here's hoping to Justin Verlander bailing the Tigers out tomorrow.
I agree that Todd Jones should eat a dick. However, it's not like we even need Sherrill. The Tigers could put anyone else on the roster in the closer spot and be better off than they are now. Jones is worthless. I hope he knows that.
Agreed. In hindsight I take back my trade demand, but everything else stays
I'm afraid to even ask what keywords you used in your Google search for that image.
I'm not against Sherrill joining the Tigers, especially if he replaces Jones. You just wouldn't want to give up what the Orioles are probably asking. Trades haven't been the Tigers strong point recently.
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