A whirlwind of personal things going down these past few month. Marriage, new house, promotion at my job all added up to not a lot of free time to post. The moments of free time were fleeting at best. Add to that the trusty computer I had for the past few years done blowed up, and I was without a computer at the house for the past few months. Enter the tax return cash, and I've got a shiny new laptop.
So why today, for this rare appearance? Funny you should ask. I was dropping my wife off for a trip back up to Michigan this week (damn teachers and the Spring Breaks), and on my way home I pass by Turner Field. I see the sign say "Braves vs. Tigers Today 1:10". I look at my watch, it's 12:30 and I decide to postpone my planned marathon session of Guitar Hero: Metallica for a few hours. Drop a couple bucks on a ticket and find my way to a seat. And as luck would have it, one of the things I was excited about this season, Rick Porcello, was on the mound today. And I liked what I saw. 26 pitches, 21 Strikes. One hit in 4 innings of work. The Tigers bats were working as well 8 runs on 13 hits, and what's this 7 walks? I could hear the collective tightening of Braves fans sphincters with each free pass that the big money Japanese import Kenshin Kawakami issued today. It was weird to hear fans yell "Throw strikes" and it not be directed at a Tiger. Double bonus for me, like any good Atlantan, I left the game after the 7th inning, so I missed Nate Robertson continue to pitch batting practice to opposing teams. Would have liked to see Ryan Perry, but it was 72 degrees, sunny, and the Tigers won, so who's to complain?
Full disclosure, I haven't been the best Tiger fan in the few months. I've been keeping up with the big news, but I've kept my distance since the turd in the punchbowl that was the 08 Season. You see I tend to take things a bit too much to heart with my teams then any rational 29 year old man should. But when you consider that this 29 year old man was once a 15 year old boy who nearly broke his hand punching the floor in anger at the result of Game 3 of the 95 Stanley Cup Finals ( I still hate you Bobby Holik) it was probably for the betterment of my marriage that I avoided the Tigers the last two months of the season. Add to that an unpredictable work schedule, this year the posting may continue to be spotty. Maybe once a week, maybe once a series. Not quite sure how things are going to work. But one things for sure, I'm ready for the 2009 season. Nowhere to go but up, right?
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